Bloggers who write about Israel are a resource for personal experiences and first hand information.
A Soldier's Mother - experiences of a mother whose son goes into the army
Abu Yehuda -- the struggle to keep the Jewish state
Afternoon Tea in Jerusalem - what you want to know about Israeli commercial life and society from Michael Horesh
Arlene from Israel -- news, views, and analysis from passionate Zionist Arlene Kushner
Backspin - the weblog of Honest Reporting
Barry Shaw - the view from Israel
Brian Blum - this normal life
British-Israel Group - weekly articles of interest
Candidly Speaking From Jerusalem - column by Isi Leibler
David Frankfurter - occasional mailing of personal "Letter from Israel"; information and perspectives
Dry Bones - stories behind the political cartoons of Yaakov Kirschen
Elder of Ziyon - political commentary
Good News about Israel - News of Israel's achievements and heartwarming stories from the Jewish State
Haifa Diary - looking at life in the shadow of danger to all of Israel
Israel Active - Michael Ordman highlights Israel's achievements in various fields
Israel Plug - news on Israeli innovation
Israel Seen - explore the innovative, interesting, and dynamic world of Israelis
Israeli Advocate -written by Jerry Sobel
Israellycool - inside the mind of an Ozraeli
Israpundit - news and views on Israel and the Middle East
Jerusalem Diaries - live from Jerusalem, first hand, behind the headlines news and views
Maurice Ostroff
Michael Horesh
Middle East and Terrorism
My Truth - Facebook page of army reservists who share the values and experiences of Israeli soldiers.
Northern Wind - personal experiences from a northern border kibbutz
Point of No Return - the Middle East's forgotten Jewish refugees
Random Thoughts - Alan Edelstein, former California lawyer, reflects on life in Jerusalem
Ray Cook - Israel, Zionism and the media from the UK
2nd Thoughts - by Maurice Ostroff
Snapshots - blog of CAMERA, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
This is Israel - about Israel - the real Israel you won't read about in the international media
This Ongoing War - a blog from the Malki Foundation
The UK Anti-Israel Movement - a blog by Richard Millet
Vibe Israel - bloggers write about their experiences visiting Israel
Volunteering in Israel - from Love Love Love Israel