Israel: The Old-New Jewish Democracy
Israel is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, and speaks the same language it did 3,000 years ago.
It is committed to:
How Israel wages war vs. How Hamas wages war
Women in Israel have exactly the same rights as men. No other Middle Eastern country offers women fully equal rights.
Everyone in Israel is free to practice their religion and worship their God. No other Middle Eastern country offers similar religious protections. Don't take our word for it.
Listen to what Israeli Arabs, a Muslim woman from New York, a Christian Arab from Lebanon, an Egyptian journalist and a Kurdish student have to say. Read a left-wing Arab debunk 25 left-wing and Arab myths. Ten reasons why you should come see for yourself If you support indigenous people's rights, then you should be a Zionist, because the Jews ARE the indigenous people of the Land of Israel. |
Swords of Iron: An Overview
This is what Gaza could have looked like if the Palestinians had invested the money they received in foreign aid to build homes and community spaces, creating a place where they could live in peace.
Instead, they took that money and built tunnels to smuggle guns and rockets into the country to try to destroy Israel. |
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As the Times of London says, NEVER AGAIN!!!Starving and torturing hostages--THAT'S a war crime!
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The UN makes no mention of the 200,000 Israelis who have been forced to leave their homes. Why not? Because Israel itself is taking care of them. In contrast, no Arab nation has offered to take in even one Gazan. What has happened to past humanitarian aid? Countering two claims about why Hamas' atrocities are justified. The fallacy of moral equivalence But let us also celebrate those in the Arab world who are brave enough to condemn this savagery. Many Gazans welcome being liberated from the terror that Hamas has inflicted on them. How NGOs have dealt with the war. HAMAS ENGAGES IN WAR CRIMES JUST LIKE ISIS
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At the same time, Hamas is brutally suppressing weekly demonstrations by Gazans who say, "Each son of a Hamas official owns an apartment, a car, a jeep, a building…While our sons have nothing at all."
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And a prestigious Kuwaiti writer says Israel is a legitimate state, not an occupier, while a Saudi academic defends Trump's decision, saying the Arabs should accept Israel's "historic right" to Jerusalem,
Action Alert
International silence about the rape of Israeli women by Hamas--CNN's report follows:
--Sign the petition Me Too Unless U R A Jew: https://www.metoo-unlessurajew.com/
--US Citizens: AIPAC set this up. If you text ISRAEL to 24722 it will autogenerate emails to the president and our congress people thanking them for their support and urging them to continue. --Contact your local Red Cross office and ask they why they are not demanding to see the Israeli civilians kidnapped by Hamas. --US Citizens: Write to your senators to support the bill that will refreeze the $6 billion that American plans to give to Iran. --Urge your country to stop voting against Israel in the UN --US Citizens: Contact Nancy Pelosi and have her remove Ilhan Omar from the House Foreign Relations Committee --Airbnb has removed Jewish listings in Judea and Samaria. Consider alternatives --Report antisemitism in news reports that are indexed on Google to Google's News complaint page. --Contact the EU Ambassador in Israel with questions and comments. --Say No to the UN's anti-Israel bigotry. --UK residents: Ask the UK to stop funding the Palestinian Authority's payment of a monthly salary to convicted terrorists in jail. --Ask Facebook to remove sites that incite violence, racism and hatred by going to the site and clicking on "report page" on the right. --Let the BBC know what you think of their news coverage --Sign up for action alerts from CAMERA at webalerts at camera.org --How to check to see if a photo is current --Correcting the New York Times Israeli Government 4IL
COGAT: Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories Embassy of Israel - Washington D.C. Embassy of Israel, London Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Jerusalem – Capital of Israel Knesset Permanent Mission of Israel to the United Nations Prime Minister's Office The Central Bureau of Statistics Statistics on Terror Attacks For legal issues, check the IDF's Military Advocate General