A Soldier's Mother - experiences of a mother whose son goes into the army
An Unsealed Room - Allison Kaplan Sommer - a window on life in Israel
Backspin - the weblog of Honest Reporting
Bitter Lemons - Palestinian-Israeli crossfire
Bitter Lemons International- Middle East round table discussions
Brian Blum - this normal life
David Frankfurter - occasional mailing of personal "Letter from Israel"; information and perspectives.
EEJH - fully moderated list for the lively discussion of everything Jewish.
Facts of Israel - basic facts on Israel and the Middle East, including maps, history and statistics
FresnoZionism - a pro-Israel voice from California's Central Valley
From the Northern Border - personal experiences from a northern border kibbutz
Good News From Israel - good news stories from all aspects of life
Haifa Diary - looking at life in the shadow of danger to all of Israel
Israel Plug - news on Israeli innovation.
Israel Seen - explore the innovative, interesting, and dynamic world of Israelis.
Israellycool - inside the mind of an Ozraeli
Israpundit - news and views on Israel, the Middle East
Lionheart - a glimpse into the world of Forest Rain
Paula Says - the writers articles from the press
Snapshots - blog of CAMERA, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Sobering Up - facts about the Oslo agreement and the consequences
This is Israel - about Israel - the real Israel you won't read about in the international media
This Ongoing War - a blog from the Malki Foundation
An Unsealed Room - Allison Kaplan Sommer - a window on life in Israel
Backspin - the weblog of Honest Reporting
Bitter Lemons - Palestinian-Israeli crossfire
Bitter Lemons International- Middle East round table discussions
Brian Blum - this normal life
David Frankfurter - occasional mailing of personal "Letter from Israel"; information and perspectives.
EEJH - fully moderated list for the lively discussion of everything Jewish.
Facts of Israel - basic facts on Israel and the Middle East, including maps, history and statistics
FresnoZionism - a pro-Israel voice from California's Central Valley
From the Northern Border - personal experiences from a northern border kibbutz
Good News From Israel - good news stories from all aspects of life
Haifa Diary - looking at life in the shadow of danger to all of Israel
Israel Plug - news on Israeli innovation.
Israel Seen - explore the innovative, interesting, and dynamic world of Israelis.
Israellycool - inside the mind of an Ozraeli
Israpundit - news and views on Israel, the Middle East
Lionheart - a glimpse into the world of Forest Rain
Paula Says - the writers articles from the press
Snapshots - blog of CAMERA, Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Sobering Up - facts about the Oslo agreement and the consequences
This is Israel - about Israel - the real Israel you won't read about in the international media
This Ongoing War - a blog from the Malki Foundation